This one was taken near the power lines in San Ramon I really liked how the lines lead the eye so I took the picture.
This is a historical land mark in San Ramon its in the process of being restored and turned into a museum of some sort to receive people who want to learn about the founding days of the area. I have an affinity for all things vintage to its not a stretch to say that I love old Victorian architecture in places where you dont expect it!
This wasn't one of the original pictures I wanted....but the damn site wouldn't load the one I wanted so we have this one which is only a subtle difference from the original so there you go I'm not happy about this one so say what you want! any who someones house near where my boyfriends apartment was got Tee-pee'd and i thought it was hilarious so I snapped it! I dont know if it's a lesson in 'fail' or a lesson in what not to do to keep this from happening to your house.
I thought this was really cute! and I dont say that often but anyway we walked to this park a block away from my boyfriends apartment and the kids where playing the same old story and then this little boy went over to the log and took a nap. it was the funnest thing to see him all tired out and the frame lined up perfectly so I give you "The Tired Boy".
Well I wish I had more time on this one and took more shots but it wasn't as bad as it thought it was going to be. these are places around the neighborhood my boyfriend lives in....during the summer I live with him so its safe to say I have my foot in the door in two places.
Well there isn't a whole lot to tell, I was born and raised in the city i hale from. i have always been an artist, I've always been creative. i am rather abrasive to take in or that's what my fam say, i don't take crap and i have a rather sick since of humor. I have a good out look on life and I really like who i have grown up to be.
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