Family re-touch

Considering the state some of these pictures where I think I did really well. I didn't want to do too much because I wanted the integrity of the photos to stay vintage and have that feel! but I had fun retouching some of the photos and I hope it works out.

Walkng around in my secend life!

This one was taken near the power lines in San Ramon I really liked how the lines lead the eye so I took the picture.


This is a historical land mark in San Ramon its in the process of being restored and turned into a museum of some sort to receive people who want to learn about the founding days of the area. I have an affinity for all things vintage to its not a stretch to say that I love old Victorian architecture in places where you dont expect it!


This wasn't one of the original pictures I wanted....but the damn site wouldn't load the one I wanted so we have this one which is only a subtle difference from the original so there you go I'm not happy about this one so say what you want! any who someones house near where my boyfriends apartment was got Tee-pee'd and i thought it was hilarious so I snapped it! I dont know if it's a lesson in 'fail' or a lesson in what not to do to keep this from happening to your house.


I thought this was really cute! and I dont say that often but anyway we walked to this park a block away from my boyfriends apartment and the kids where playing the same old story and then this little boy went over to the log and took a nap. it was the funnest thing to see him all tired out and the frame lined up perfectly so I give you "The Tired Boy".


Well I wish I had more time on this one and took more shots but it wasn't as bad as it thought it was going to be. these are places around the neighborhood my boyfriend lives in....during the summer I live with him so its safe to say I have my foot in the door in two places.

Getting the photo

Well I woke up to the sound of water in my basement only to find out that where the 50's photos of my grandmother where in danger of further damage! JOY!!!

So into the semi wet dank place of my house to fish out those photos that i can retouch....wish me luck!

Hockney this!

I had a time doing this assignment let me just say the beach ball rainbow wheel of death was the bane of my existence. I had so much trouble with this assinment I never finished it in time....because of that dang rainbow thingy not that it wasn't for a lack of trying let me tell you....but you can only do so much right.

What I learned is the batch thing that I lack on my program at home that now I covet and want very much and that if you run several images through the computer even though they where taken at different times and such it will put them together into one image. Interesting this technology digital photography is I like it....any how more of me whining about the next problem!!!!

Forecloser Usa 2011 A Review

The word foreclosure invokes thoughts of political greed, people miss guided and the ultimate loss of security, a home loses is more then loosing something physical its emotional as well. the show was easy to explain its all in the name Foreclosure, something that we have all come to know a lot more these last few years. Stockton is one of the top ranking cities knee deep in foreclosure so its a subject that hits close to home, the images where very indicative of that feeling.
There was a very human element about the images that I liked though there was no depiction of people in the actual work. one of those photos that truly felt that ways was the image called "Duplex" it was rather haunting to see how gutted the place was. to know that people used to live there and there hopes where taken from them for what ever reason. there where alot of powerful images like that. One thing that I noticed was the stillness of many of the images, they all felt so slightly sad but then again the situation is sad when you think about it. Sometimes we forget there is a human element to all this and the image "Galaxy" really put things into perspective, the little glow in the dark stars and plaint's on the sealing really hit hard to me. to think that at one time a kid boy or girl used to sleep in that room and the last thing they saw was those stars and now they are nothing more then a reminder of that one happiness and security is very powerful. The last Image I really thought resonated in the over all theme of the show was the Image "The end", I felt really said it all because when you are being foreclosed on you really feel like its the end of the line and the end of something you thought was a new chapter in your life. The image really said a lot with our being very in your face about it
All and out my over all thoughts of the show was very good I loved the way something that is seen as tragic and sad was made into powerful artisitic images that strike cords of emotion and resanate in your mind.

Night Photography

I didn't think I would like this assignment not my cup of tea, but i found making shapes with light in the abstract really fun. I know I didn't have anyone in the photos and believe me I tried, but what can I preferred the ones with out anyone in them.

I loved this red circular picture it seemed so interesting to me
I liked the pattern so it made it to the final cut!

This was actually a picture over looking the city lights in San Ramon,
I thought it was slightly strange in a good way.

This was the street behind me, I went back to shoot someone in the street
but it didn't work out and I scrapped it and went with the original image this one.

This was on out way home going to the on ramp,
it was an exciting photo because it showed the street
and the lights seemed to drag in ward leading right into the image.
yes this image has the angels!!!

All and out this night photography was fun I'd like to try it again! this time with people that will cooperate better!

Left over pictures i loved but didnt make the cut!

Taken on the Altamont on my way home!

Just on the road around town at night in San Ramon!
Night Photography!!